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"Also, the only thing that will lead to success in your life and will prevent your dropping out of school and working as a frycook at McDonald's until you're 85." ... wtf?? the only thing thqat will lead you to success? only if you'e a dumbass. you don't need to do homework to not fail in life. thats bullshit. you can pass almost any class without doing any/most of your homework. i learned that once i got into high school. but hey- if you would rather sit at home and do school work, go for it. but i would rather hang out with my friends or do something else i enjoy. and doing your homework will not prevent you from dropping out or working at mcdonalds either. and whats wrong with being a frycook? which is more pathetic: having a job at mcyd's, or having no job at all and muching off your parents? you can decide..

fuck homework. fuck school. fuck teachers. fuck detentions/saturday schools/ in school suspentions.

by f.u.c.k.y.o.u. February 11, 2005

106👍 39👎


something YOU are in controll of- not your parents. if your parents try to restrict you from leaving for something stupid, dont let them do it. its that simple. trust me. you can only be grounded as long as you let yourself.

parent: your'e grounded!
kid: no! (leaves the house)
parent: fuck.. our kid is finally thinking for himself and isnt taking my shit anymore. and theres nothing i can do about it.

by f.u.c.k.y.o.u. February 11, 2005

420👍 320👎