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Tripping fucking balls on LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) or Mushrooms (psilocybin)
"Frying fucking balls" is normally used for when the walls are all different colors..(and breathing), the design on the carpet is crawling up the walls, there are swirls of colors floating in the air, everything is a cartoon, your best friend looks like a weasel, and you are uncontrolably laughing
as you can see "Frying" is used because it is like taking out your brain, and throwing on a frying pan made of rainbows, and filled with peace and love.

Matt: Dude, how was Disneyland?

Ryan: hahah, holy fucking christ dude, i ate like 2 grams of mushrooms, and was laughing my ass off at everything, then i was handed a tab of the strongest LSD i have ever come across..
went on the buzzlightyear ride, and was frying so fucking hard all i could do was laugh..
then went on the Winnie the Pooh ride, and it was THE greatest moment of my life.

Matt: hahah, holy shit man, thats insane

Ryan : yeah, i was losing my fucking mind man..
my brain was a mass of sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.

by fRyan April 12, 2009

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