This creature is usually seen prowling the streets in search of postures. He hides in the shadows and waits for an opportune moment to steal a posture. He fails endlessly at this task because of the lack of muscle in his leg area. Even though this particular spesimean has an intelligence quotient of 140, he hasn't realized that he will never succeed in his malicious theft.
Due to having an catastrophically bad posture, this swede feels very bad and insecure about it. Because of this, he attempts, but fails to, cover up his bad posture with the only hoodie he has which happens to be gray. The hobo is poor and homeless, thus having no option but to grow a beard or risk freezing the lower part of his face off during winters.
When he isn't attempting to steal postures he often plays video games. Unfortunately this is where his bad posture comes from, and he only deepens the condition by continuing to spend his time in such an unhealthy manner. He sucks at games and often takes him an above average time to get good at, or finish them.
"Oh look, it's the poor postured hobo! M sure to not walk any slower than we already are or he'll catch up to us and steal our postures."