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The cheapest guy on earth. He would sell his own limbs for a price. This is the guy that totals up his and his wife's share of the bill at the restaurant and forgets they had all that wine, but thinks that he is a generous son-of-a-bitch. He's the guy that will rip off his friends and his family to save a buck. He is a hoarder of course and lives like a bum but has copious amounts of money that he will never spend. He has no friends left in the world as he has ripped them all off and they all eventually caught on. He is a sociopath but somehow has escaped jail, as he is curiously lucky. He thinks he deserves more than he has and is a bitter bag of shit. Everyone that knows a Chris loathes him is waiting for Chris to die so that their lives will be better.

chris cheapest chris not generous chris bum chris hoarder chris money chris loathe

by fembotnow August 17, 2013

198👍 153👎