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big k car wash

this is where a guy hasn't had a shower but thinks he is going to get some, so in desperation he washes his gentitals in a the closest sink available.
the classic version of this act must be in a public toilet, mcdonalds is the best.

person A: where has matty gone?

person B: oh, he thinks he's on for some so he's gone for a big k car wash because he said his dick smelled like a scampi fry.

by festunga April 28, 2007

1👍 4👎


when you perform anal sex on a girl, then once finished you go down on her and she shits on your chin.

damn it bitch, you shat on my chin now i've got a shitty chin

by festunga April 28, 2007

6👍 3👎