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Dominic is the sexiest ever he keeps trying and doesn’t give up his cock keeps getting longer people keep giving him penis enhancement pills he likes crazy sex positions and jerking off and cumming Dominic is always the guy you want to sit on whenever you see him sitting down or rub you ass on his dick or grab it when your tryna get by dominic is a horny little man he also has stalkers

Wow dominic jus got here and I just saw him leave some where with some ladies

by ffffffffuck me 2020 March 29, 2021

5👍 2👎


Dominic is the sexiest gamer ever he keeps trying and doesn’t give up his cock keeps getting longer people keep giving him penis enhancement pills he likes crazy sex positions and cumming on the ladies

What the fuck happened

Dominic just walked in and just started cumming on everyone

by ffffffffuck me 2020 March 29, 2021

23👍 3👎


Dominic is the sexiest gamer ever he keeps trying and doesn’t give up his cock keeps getting longer people keep giving him penis enhancement pills he likes crazy sex positions and cumming on the ladies

What the fuck happened

Dominic just walked in and just started fucking cumming on everyone

Lmfao what the fuck lmao I’m dead

by ffffffffuck me 2020 March 29, 2021

2👍 1👎


Dominic is the sexiest ever he keeps trying and doesn’t give up his cock keeps getting longer people keep giving him penis enhancement pills he likes crazy sex positions and jerking off and cumming Dominic is always the guy you want to sit on whenever you see him sitting down or rub you ass on his dick or grab it when your tryna get by dominic is a horny little man he also has stalkers

Wow dominic jus got here and I just saw him leave some where with some ladies

by ffffffffuck me 2020 March 29, 2021

1👍 1👎


Dominic is the sexiest ever he keeps trying and doesn’t give up his penis keeps getting longer and sucked on people keep making him eat penis enhancement pills he likes crazy sex positions and jerking off and cumming he’s only for women Dominic is always the guy you want to sit on whenever you see him sitting down or rub your ass on his dick or grab it when your tryna get by dominic is a horny little man he also has stalkers

Omg dominic is so sexy

I know I just wanna sit on his face

by ffffffffuck me 2020 March 30, 2021

Jesus cock

A Jesus cock is despised and rejected by men beaten abused and crucified by its owner only to rise again as the perfect cock for any vagina the Jesus cock is the savior of all vaginas that have been cleansed and washed again and are clean and fresh a Jesus cock once revealed to the woman is irresistible to her it is the cock of cocks

I found out dominic has a Jesus cock I am obsessed now

by ffffffffuck me 2020 March 27, 2021

6👍 2👎

Best sex ever

The type of sex you’d pay for that can only be experienced through actual physical sexual encounters involving you and the opposite sex and gender

I bet Dominic and shawntae be having the best sex ever

Nah foreal mane or she just be breaking dominic off

by ffffffffuck me 2020 May 16, 2022

6👍 2👎