A friend who is also your nemesis. A friend with whom you also compete with. A frenemy-esque colleague who you enjoy spending time with but is your rival.
There's your arch friemisis. For friends you two sure are competitive.
A person who shoves rare vocabulary words and unnecessary jargon down everyone's throats in an attempt to appear smarter. This usually just backfires, though, and they end up coming off as pretentious insecure doushebags who are trying too hard. It's cool to have a broad vocabulary --no one's saying it's not, but it's cooler to know how and when to use it.
Ted: What a splendiferous day! Isn't the day just serendipitously fortuitous?
Marvin: Slow your roll JarJargon Binks. You don't have to shove every big word you know into our conversation. You're trying too hard. Don't worry, we already know you're smart, it's why we hang out with you."