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chicken coop

Insult used to discribe the Vespa (ha ha) scooter due to it's ugliness and comparisons to a laquered snail.

1. You chicken coop riding queer.
2. Lets set that chicken coop on fire, it offends me.
3. I'd rather drink my own vomit than ride a chicken coop.
4. Thats a fast coop, it passed me doing 15 miles per hour.

by fleafleaflea September 17, 2006

95👍 120👎

hail Eric

Greeting often given to Spanish lambretta riders (servetta) when two like minded people meet

That's a nice eric you have there mate, glad it's not a chicken coop, hail Eric.

by fleafleaflea September 17, 2006

13👍 5👎