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sigma male

A type of men who wanted to be a "alpha male" but wanted to be like cooler or some crap?
So they decided to make their own type of male.

Person 1 (a beta male): Yoooo, you're such a alpha.
Person 2 (an absolute sigma male): No, no, no! You absolute IDIOT! I am a SIGMA MALE, get it right you beta b*tch.

by for40+yroldstrynalearninternet August 8, 2022

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pop cat

This is a meme consisting of a cat opening and closing it's mouth while making a popping noise.

Pop cat should NOT be used in a typical sentence.

by for40+yroldstrynalearninternet August 8, 2022


To express excitement about something or someone.
This term is from a streaming platform called "Twitch."
It comes from a emote from the site called "PogChamp", which has now been changed to show a picture of a reptile with it's mouth open instead of the face of Ryan Gutierrez due to some controversy.

Person 1: "Yoooo, I just got a high score!"
Person 2: "Poggers!"

by for40+yroldstrynalearninternet August 8, 2022

lickma male

A lickma male is a species of human who's entire purpose in life is to lick their balls.

I hate John the Lickma Male.

by for40+yroldstrynalearninternet August 8, 2022


Pronouced "sna-gin-shot-ing"
A sport which consistists of knitting and throwing a ball made of wool at your worst enemy. (It is rule that your opponent HAS to be your worst enemy)
The first person to knock the other over wins.

Bro that game of smaginshoting was INSANE!
Yeah, that Megalo Chad totally destroyed Harvey Balls!

by for40+yroldstrynalearninternet August 8, 2022


A memey version of the word "burger."
This meme orginated from a cat.

Person 1: Yo, whatchu getting.
Person 2: Borgor.

by for40+yroldstrynalearninternet August 15, 2022

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deez nuts

A meme/joke to pull on your friends which consistists of someone doing an action with your balls.

Person 1: Btw, what's your favourite pokemon? Mines is Gulpin.
Person 2: Gulpin?
Person 1: Gulpin deez nuts!

by for40+yroldstrynalearninternet August 8, 2022