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cole is probably a dickhead who plays roblox and owns a stupid group called norwegian resort. managed to get him and his group banned many times (why isn't he in the book of world records?) hes pretty pathetic and calls things gay a lot. he has a pet lizard which is pretty cool but thats the only cool thing about him. in his updated game of nr he placed a big dancing statue of him, it shows how big his fucking ego is. i honestly think cole sucks aytools dick every sunday morning before he goes to church because it seems like the most logical thing for him to do. cole is pretty annoying most of the time and if he doesnt get his way he'll fire ur ass from nr and probably attempt to bully u till u kill yourself because thats my FUCKING cole. cole has seemed to have misplaced his common sense and instead is using what hes got left (that 99.9% of non-coon and 00.1% of fucking gay). i personally think coles lame and that he doesnt deserve the privilege of being the gayest person of all time.

tytuls: he's mass gay and fucking dillusional
aytools: hes the most hideous thing ive seen on nr before
hayden: its definitely a fucking bitch
harvey: its the mother of all fakes
ben: its fucking cole oh shit

by freakingpowdereddonut February 2, 2019

19👍 13👎


Xonori is a dickhead to loves to rub his fat ass ego on to his poor workers of nr. He's great for sucking dick and calling cirexod gay but nothing else.

cirexod: im asian
xonori: gay

by freakingpowdereddonut February 1, 2019

9👍 1👎