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commander in theif

George Bush, after his douchetard brother Jeb manipulated the Florida ballot count in Dubya's favor, causing a nationwide chain reaction that raped away any notions American citizens have that we might live in a free society or country where our fucking votes actually count for something more than a poor man's ass rag. For more information on the Florida vote counting debacle, go to www.unprecedented.org, a website for documentary of the same name, which outlines all of the criminal actions taken by the Republicans and fucking chimp-like bloodline of the Bushes.

"Hail to the cheif, our commander in theif" a twenty year old protester shouted, just before George Bush had him beaten to death and thrown into the landfill amongst the boxes of 86'd voting ballots.

by freedomplease November 18, 2003

141👍 32👎