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a term used by delusional people that means to do things relating to something you want to 'summon' it. using this word shows extreme signs of delusion

guy 1: im gonna manifest getting yae miko in genshin impact by plastering her feet pics on my walls
guy 2: why am i here and youre fucking weird

by friedchicken_eater27 February 24, 2025


a fat, straight (but acts REALLY gay, like i legit think hes gay), white, single, maidenless, bitchless, guy in my class that is hella annoying. can be used to describe someone as such.

guy 1: yo what would happen if i just like stuck my dick in you rn
guy 2: stfu titan

by friedchicken_eater27 February 24, 2025

gain iggap horn

a calling for all virgins, if you yell "I LOVE WATCHING GAIN IGGAP HORN" in public, people will notice you and give you money to fund your cause of not knowing what youre saying, dumbass

guy 1: say gain iggap horn
guy 2: gay n****a porn

by friedchicken_eater27 February 24, 2025


someone who seriously uses outdated humor and corny jokes, usually youtube shorts users.

abraham: i bought a property in egypt
alex: what a cornball bro

by friedchicken_eater27 February 25, 2025