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to use when calling someone a dipshit is too mean or inappropriate. a euphemism. it can be affectionate, but overall it’s just the grey area between being an ass and playful.

dip is the shorter version

Person A: Man, I miss her.
Person B: …
Person B: You dated a day in primary, dipper. For the love of god, get fucking tinder or something.

by fruit-pouch January 7, 2024


lazy reply for a greeting. used when you feel god-awful or tired if you’re less dramatic. the kind of reply for when you can’t be bothered to actually speak. equivalent to a grunt. if feeling particularly rancid, heavily drag out the ‘r’ for emphasis. while not inherently rude, it’s not something you’d often say to a stranger unless you’re being cheeky.

mandatory to say it like you’ve just chugged a bag’a gravel or else it won’t make sense. real throaty sound to it. has the same utterings as ‘sir’ though no one says it with a short ‘r’. the ‘s’ could also be said ‘z’.

person y - “sup.”
person z - “serrrrr.”

by fruit-pouch June 27, 2024


lazy reply for a greeting. used when you feel god-awful or tired if you’re less dramatic. the kind of reply for when you can’t be bothered to actually speak. equivalent to a grunt. if feeling particularly rancid, heavily drag out the ‘r’ for emphasis. while not inherently rude, it’s not something you’d often say to a stranger unless you’re being cheeky.

mandatory to say it like you’ve just chugged a bag’a gravel or else it won’t make sense. real throaty sound to it. has the same utterings as ‘sir’ though no one says it with a short ‘r’. the ‘s’ could also be switched for ‘z’.

person y - “sup.”
person z - “serrrrr.”

by fruit-pouch June 27, 2024