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United South Central High School

you U S C united we stand. A school were the jock and the burn outs PLAN a fight at lunch. Where the prettiest girl turns out to have a burn book that she keeps in her locker for others to find. A place where you can tease the teachers and not get a detenion but say ur gay, retarded or go to the bathroom to long and end up having to serve a lunch detention and eating a flipping cheese sandwich. A school where you casually walk late into a class and the teachers dont say anything but when its someone they dont like they get in trouble. Where every guy is a closet case gay because they think its fun to grope each other. USC is an esay place to tell the jocks from the nerds, the preppy (to god damn happy) girls from the not so preppy ones, and the drama freaks from the druggies. Some how we all are the same when it comes to some kind of illegal activity. Small town community where everyone knows everyone and everything about them. Hard to not have the word spread about you when theres a town gossiper in every family.

"Finding a burn book is so United South Central High Schoolish"
"You know who had a good football season USC"

by fruitloopy April 1, 2010

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