The main character from the awesome anime show Naruto...
Despite starting off as a simple minded prankster without much skills, naruto has turned much more mature after sasuke's betrayal.(his 'Best friend'*cough).
He has the Kyuubi(the nine tailed fox) sealed with in him by his father, 4th hokage, who was trying to protect the village from it. In turn having kyuubi inside him gives a reserve of almost unlimited amount of chakra. But as Kyuubi's spirit is menacing, he rarely uses it, unless in life threatening situation, or extreme emotions...
Even though he still retains some of his childish behaviours (ramen, pranks etc) part 2 he's one of the best in the whole series. Now he trains to enter sage mode, allowing him not to use kyuubi's power, but still be very strong. Even without Kyuubi, naruto is one of the strongest in the whole series (not THE strongest)...but with the kyuubi....well let's just not go there....he hasn't released kyuubi's full power yet...
Even when he was 12..orochimaru(the legendary sannin) ran away from him when he turned in 4 tails form....and he still had 5 more tails & sh8 load of tricks that go with it...
Naruto Uzumaki- Rasengan!!!
Orochimaru - yeah you can't hit me with that kid...
"Four tailed menacing ball"!!!
Sh*t this kid is outta control!!! ok better not try to molest him, unlike sasuke he's harder to brainwash....
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