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New England Patriots

a football team based in MA, who has beaten numerous odds, in 85 and 96 by making it to the super bowl, and from 2001-2004 winning 3 super bowls, 21 consecutive games, and 10 consecutive post-season games. they have broken other records as well, but that's another topic. Many of the fans were behind the Pats when they had a 4 win season, so you better believe they're eccstatic now that they're winning

people don't like the patriots because they're winning, and have pretty much (though i hate to admit it) become the new york yankees of football. it's 'cool' to hate the pats, and accuse them of everything the media has accused them of, even though they did something that every other team is still doing (including the whiney-ass jets).

In the 07-08 season the patriots did what only two other teams have ever done, gone undefeated in the regular season (Bears twice in the 60's, the dolphins in 78), but they lost the super bowl to the luckiest team since the 01-02 Pats (oh yeah, i compared you guys to the pats), the new york giants, whom i respect, and believe Eli Manning will be twice the QB his brother is.

The New England Patriots beat you because you suck, get over it.

by fuckthebandwagon July 16, 2008

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