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Political Correctness Nazi,

Derived from Grammar Nazi, but instead of having an insatiable desire to correct every grammar mistake, PC-Nazis would go as far as stalking someone's twitter profile and correcting or criticizing every single politically incorrect statement that they find(think/imagine), they also have the outstanding ability to feel offended in behalf of somebody else, even if they're not offended at all.

A: Have you met the new guy John yet? I heard he's filipino
PC-Nazi: Oh no, how could you assume their gender before asking? You should use gender neutral pronouns! and also, it's Filipinx, Filipino is oppresive towards women and is a product of the patriarchy and mustn't be used anymore!

B: Yo check out this kimono i rented for cosplay
PC-N: How dare you commit cultural appropriation! Kimono is an integral part of Japanese culture and you're white, you do not have the privilege to wear it! Take it off or i'll brigade with random twitterheads to cancel and doxx to ruin your career!
Japanese peoples: Uhh, we have no problem with that
PC-Nazi: Shut up! You guys are being oppresed, your opinion doesn't matter(isn't it ironical lmao)

by fucktheleftandfucktheright March 15, 2021