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1) a place that it's very hard to get to
2) a mysterious place of power, where the dark elite resides
3) a place that might or might not be real, depending on the definition

"One does not simply <activity> oneself into Mordor." discredits <activity> by stating that it does not live up to one's own impossibly inflated (and potentially misguided) standards.

<CHINA> Im warezing it ;<
<Alakala> One does not simply warez himself into Mordor.
<CHINA> One does not simply use an overused meme to answer me into mordor

by fuqnbastard November 19, 2005

226👍 104👎


Jap. &#33104;&#22899;&#23376;. literally: rotten girl. A pun, based on the homonymous term for woman (jap. &#23142;&#22899;&#23376;). Ironical self-description by readers of Yaoi D&#333;jinshi. The female counterpart to the male Otaku.

(translated from the german wikipedia page for Otaku)

I'm a fujoshi.
(The rulesets demand me to write shit even though I don't know what I'm talking about, and at the same time prevents me to link an image that'll explain things better than a thousand words)

by fuqnbastard September 16, 2005

760👍 519👎


"opened for terry cloth lobster"

terry cloth lobster is a more or less real band. They have a list of weird band names, that they say were an opening act for them. The idea is, that what has been said could also be a weird band name.


by fuqnbastard December 26, 2005

10👍 3👎