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wom up

it's self-explanatory you sped
phrase invented by d4 and jabare and was popularised by insistic.
If you EVER use this phrase.. you have to pay the three individuals mentioned above a sizeable sum of money. The specifics can be discussed privately.

heh. wom up. KID.

by fweinpfenjpo March 22, 2021

11👍 2👎


A term used to people of Pakistani descent or Kurdish descent

Madyusuf13 is such a fucking paki

by fweinpfenjpo January 5, 2019

42👍 41👎


A darker skinned person of South Asian descent who is usually from Pakistan or India. But they can be Kurdish also.

Madyusuf13 is such a fucking paki.

by fweinpfenjpo January 5, 2019

37👍 47👎