a male or female who has an insane aesthetic sense and inordinate interest in bottling urine, pulling knives on people, and possibly wearing somebody else's face as a mask or making a human skin suit, similar to that of John Wayne Gacy or the fictional Jame Gumb, "Buffalo Bill", in Silence of the Lambs. But, like, dead sexy in addition to being dangerous creepy and in need of medication.
1. to exhibit characteristics of a psychosexual
2. exhibiting undeniable animal magnetism of a distinctly sexual nature despite being dangerous or maladjusted
Etymology: blend of psychotic + sexual
Usage: informal
Brad: "Daaamn, that girl is fine."
Chad: "You don't want anything to do with Taedra, she's psychosexual. Sure, she's hot as Satan's balls, but she does things like stuffing a finger in your ass when you're taking a nap and licking her envelopse with her gash. Also, she pulled a knife on me once when we were playing Monopoly."
Brad: "As long as I'm the racecar, I'll risk it, dude."
41π 31π
An amusing, "clean" insult featured in Orbit gum commercials as part of their "Dirty Mouth? Clean it up with Orbit" promotion that highlighted the gum's approval by the American Dental Association and Indian Dental Association due to its ability to improve dental health.
The cleanly insulting "donkey door" is probably a replacement for "asshole" as donkeys are also called asses and doors are portals, or holes.
Why don't you check your donkey door?
20π 5π
I'm heading to the club tonight to get some stinky on my hang dangle.
24π 5π
A portmanteau of the words "seppuku" and "bukkake" meaning the act of ritual suicide by facial.
The seppukkake is performed after the practitioner has prepared his soul to leave the mortal coil through meditative rituals that vary from culture to culture, after which the practitioner typically submits to the seed. The seed is usually donated by honored guests and assistants, as this greatly increases the probability of seppukkake success through an abundance of volume, but the ritual is often performed alone and in secret by practitioners who are particularly dishonored. These latter practitioners have a much higher rate of failure and are regularly discovered in their homes' closets or bathrooms, much to their dismay, by parents, siblings, or spouses, and the practitioner then lives in further dishonor.
In historical context, it is believed that the legendary Musashi Hamtaro, after being bested in a duel in Japan some eight hundred years ago, committed ritual suicide by seppukkake to end his life's dishonor.
Nick very nearly performed seppukkake one night when his wife accidentally shot him in the eye with his own ejaculation. That will teach him to lay down for a handjob.
48π 5π
The Martuna (Original Recipe)
In a shaker, over ice, combine:
1 part Vodka or Gin,
1 part Dry Vermouth,
1 part Liquid from a Can of Solid White Albacore Tuna (Bumblebee preferrable)
Quarter Teaspoon of Lemon Juice (per every 1 part Dry Vermouth)
Shake vigorously. Strain into martini glass(es) and garnish with shrimp (de-shelled, preferrably steamed).
Enjoy within the proximity of a bucket, trash receptacle, or toilet, as such sophisticated flavors may disagree with mundane palates.
After an evening of perusing the local art galleries, we retired for the evening to the members' lounge and chatted over Martunas long into the night.
38π 2π
Like a snowball rolling down a mountain, growing ever larger as it continues toward the bottom, a wikipedia snowball occurs when one researches something on the wikipedia, only to then click link after link into subsequent articles of interest until, suddenly, several hours have passed.
Jim: "I'm sorry I'm late, I got caught in a wikipedia snowball. I was looking for information on the new James Bond movie and suddenly four hours had passed. On the bright side, now I know what happens in Marvel Zombies, I can tell you how astronomers gauge the temperature of stars, and why World War I started."
Jim's Boss: "You're still fired."
Jim: "Fuck."
182π 15π
Like a snowball rolling down a mountain, growing ever larger as it continues toward the bottom, a wikipedia snowball occurs when one researches something on the wikipedia, only to then click link after link into subsequent articles of interest until, suddenly, several hours have passed.
"I'm sorry I'm late, I got caught in a wikipedia snowball. I was looking for information on the new James Bond movie and suddenly four hours had passed. On the bright side, now I know what happens in Marvel Zombies, I can tell you how astronomers gauge the temperature of stars, and why World War I started."
'You're still fired.'
8π 23π