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To sell your house only for the buyer to pull out of the purchase at the very last minute leaving you in a state of financial ruin which takes months if not years to recover from.

I was supposed to be selling my house tomorrow but I've just been wilkied.

by gavman99 June 18, 2007

6👍 10👎


Slang term for £15.

Derived from the 1978 hit single "Three Times A Lady" by The Commodores, where a 'lady' is a lady godiva, which is itself a slang term for £5.

Therefore, three times a lady equals £15.

It's my round. Can someone lend me a commodore so I can buy you all a drink ?

by gavman99 April 28, 2009

6👍 5👎


The process of over-complicating a simple database design to within an inch of it's life. Typical knock on effects include :-
a) delaying project delivery dates by weeks/months
b) an oversized ego of the database designer who done the oraclising
c) general hatred towards the database designer who did the oraclising

All I wanted to do was add 5 values to a combo box but that jumped up DBA had to oraclise it.

by gavman99 August 14, 2007

14👍 1👎


The process of over-complicating a simple Oracle database design to within an inch of it's life. Typical knock on effects include :-
a) delaying project delivery dates by weeks/months
b) an oversized ego of the database designer who done the oraclising
c) general hatred towards the database designer who now has an oversized ego

All I wanted to do was add 5 combo box values into a pre-defined type/value table but that "prick of a jumped up DBA" decided to oraclise it.

by gavman99 July 31, 2007

5👍 6👎