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Pregnancy Sympathy Syndrome

When spending a lot of time around a pregnant woman, you start to develop some of the same symptoms without actually being pregnant-- specifically food cravings.

Alternatively, when the pregnant friend feels unmotivated and lazy, you share her lack of motivation.

Preggo friend: I'm craving a tub of Duncan Hines icing...
Non-preggo friend: Oh man, me too! We should totally go to the grocery store and buy some!
Preggo friend: You're such a good friend for not making me feel alone.
Non-preggo friend: It's just the Pregnancy Sympathy Syndrome talking... where's the freezer aisle?

(Return from grocery store with funfetti cake mix, 2 tubs of Duncan Hines icing, and black cherry vanilla ice cream)

by gdbl3k August 29, 2011

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