It is one of the new feminist theories created in S.Korea.
This feminism is hilariously the most welcoming feminism of men, especilly misogynists, mansplainers rather than women.
If you want to be a 'Zucchini feminist' , all you need to do is just say "I am a feminist". That's it. you don't have to prove it or be proved. and say "you are not feminists, you such a mob, man hater, bully" to women who criticize about your misogyny.
that is the important point that you take the victim's place. it is a good excuse that women says a bad words to guys. when women criticize, hate you , just say "hey! student! listen carefully! I am a real feminist and you are fake. what you do is just bullshit. follow me I can enlighten and educate you what is the real feminism. never say bad words to men. as a man I really want to help you. peace! "
p.s. you must speak it with man's plain .
why is a zucchini?
this all started with this conversation from somewhere on internet
"you wanna be beaten with a zucchini?"
"you are so violent. just like misogyny guys"
she should't have said that.
woman: omg. I falled out of the job interview again. better school, better grade than other men, but why?
man: cause they think you are not enough?
woman : glass.ceilling maybe
man : omg . only ugly fat women say that but no doubt. I am a real feminist.
woman : no. you just a zuccihni feminist.
A : hey what is the zucchini feminism (feminist)?
B: it is so weird feminism that only men like.