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Stink Larry

the general name given to someone who stinks. Stink larries do not have a regard for personal hygiene and just walk around smelling like ass.

If you know someone who smells bad all the time and never bathes then feel free to start calling him Stink Larry. Especially if his name is not Larry.

Guy1:Holy shit! that kid in my math class stinks like ass!!!!!

Guy2:yeah, i know. I don't even know what his name is...

Guy1:Yeah, i just call him Stink Larry!

by george133 July 25, 2010

78👍 6👎


Fucking ridiculous.

guy1: Holy Shit! did you see that Huge car wreck?

guy2: Yeah dude, that shit was fuckdiculous!

by george133 July 31, 2010

64👍 31👎

Broba Fett

A combination of bro and Boba Fett.
It is used when a guy is referring to another one of his guy friends (one of his bros). It can be used at almost any time. It does not have to be used when talking about things having to do with Star Wars, although it will be better understood if your bros are familiar with Star Wars.

guy1: Hey bro, wanna hang out later at my place with all the bros?

guy2: Sure, Broba Fett!

by george133 August 1, 2010

71👍 4👎

Mace Windude

A combination of Mace Windu and Dude!
It is a word that guys who are good friends (bros) can use to refer to one another. It can be used at basically any time. It does not have to be used in a Star Wars context, although it helps if all the bros are familiar with the Star Wars movies.

Guy1: Hey, whats up Mace Windude?

Guy2: Nothin much, bro, just gunna watch Star Wars Saturday on Spike TV today.

Guy1: Whoa brah, me too.

by george133 August 1, 2010

54👍 3👎


when you stretch out your ballsack like paper, then get another man to inadvertently look at it. This is followed by the ballsack exposer calling the looker gay and kicking him in the ass twice.

Guy1: Dammit! my ass hurts like shit now!

Guy2: Well then you shouldn't have look at my batwing, Fag!

by george133 August 1, 2010

167👍 126👎

mustard wash

A sexual act between a male and a female.

This act begins with the female giving a hearty blowjob to the male. Once the blowjob is complete, the male ejaculates into the female's mouth. Instantly after the aforementioned ejaculation, the male also urinates into the females mouth hole. This maneuver is best done when the male is slightly dehydrated, as to make his urine more of a yellowish hue.

After the semen and urine are in the female's mouth, she keeps her lips around the male's penis and proceeds to slosh and motorboat the mixture around the males penis. Resulting in a feeling that can only be compared with sticking your penis in a warm bowl of marshmallow cream.

Guy 1: Dude! last night I got my girlfriend to give me another mustard wash!

Guy 2: You seriously need to pee before you get head next time.

by george133 June 14, 2011

28👍 11👎

Piggly Noises

Noises that are intended to imitate the sound that pigs make. They are mostly used to annoy people. There are two types of piggly noises: the snort and the squeal.

Student: *snorts and squeals*

Teacher: God Dangit! Stop makin those Piggly Noises!!!!

by george133 July 31, 2010

52👍 12👎