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A slang term for White Castle hamburgers. In common use amongst stoners in the tri-state area, particularly the north eastern NJ area. The name probably arose from idle speculation in the 80's that the meat used in the hamburgers was of suspect origin, probably due to their well known gastronomic effects. Possums, road kill and rats were offered as candidates, with the rats winning out and the name has stuck ever since. If you say "Let's go get some rats!" to most anyone in north eastern New Jersey, they will most likely know exactly what you mean, and say "Hell, yeah!"

Example 1 - Stoner 1: Duuuuuude! I'm high as a friggin' kite and starving with the munchies! Stoner 2: It's only 2am...Let's go get some rats!

Example 2 - Guy on line in a crowded White Castle at 2am and ordering loudly but with a perfectly straight face: "Uhhhh..! I'll take THREE RATS...hold the heads..easy on the guts..tuck in the tails...and some free hospitality please!"
Tired lady at the counter: (Makes face like she hates her miserable life and would like to die...right NOW!)

by georgemg March 14, 2009

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