A phrase made popular in Apple's latest commercial for their IPhone X R and IPhone X S. The term describes a photography effect where the user can intentionally blur the background of a photo to bring the foreground subjects into focus.
Claire: "They're best friends...wait, who is that blurred out in the background? Did you bokeh my child?"
Sadie: "Um, it was totally unintentional."
Claire: "Why do you hate Jacob?"
Sadie: "What?? No... I can un-bokeh...see? Bokeh, unbokeh.
Claire *sigh* "Wow... what kinda person bokehs a child... I would never bokeh your child... just so you know."
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A word old-timers use to refer to the local town jail.
The other day, Pappy told me the story about being arrested after shooting off flares on the Fourth of July. "Them cops came and carried me right off to the clinker," he said.