A crumb is a tiny piece of bread that appears in your clothes when you eat.
It's something that carries the clothes.
Gotta put this on the closet, damn it! I fell and it all unfolded! Guess i gotta do this again.
A type of long fabric to clean the sweat off.
Get the towels man. We lost in the game man.
mammal who is a good friend if domestic if not trained/treated very well, it will become traumatized
Wow I love dogs, do you to man?
mammal who is a good friend if domestic if not trained/treated very well, it will become traumatized
Wow I love dogs, do you to man?
A door is made of wood. You can open and shut it
Hey bro can you shut the door?
Ok I will shut the door.
A night light makes light in the dark. Pretty cool right?
I will turn off my night light because it's day. Oh well gotta get to work real quick.