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(oriGin: waste of money, brain and time)
-it is used if you spent your money or used up your time on something useLess...

-wasted something but enjoyed it...

(sa quantum)
b1:pare... bumiLi akoh 50 peso worth of coins, naubos koh dun sa coin machine...hahah!!! di baLe naka 250 tickets naman ako!!!
b2:hahaha!! wombat!!!

(sa schooL sa maniLa)
g1:haixt, kabad3p naman girl, isa na ngalang subject ngaun waLA pang prof...pero nakasama ko naman crush ko!!!
g2: wombat a!!!!

(LAst but not the Least!!!)
tropa 1: dude ,,baket d kna pumapasok?
tropa 2:e kc sabi ttransfer din naman naquh next year..wombat lang pag pumasok pa ko sa ayaw kong course...

by gf_mimiqoh December 3, 2009

7👍 11👎