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Mikalah is a very funny gal. She seems innocent when you first meet her but as you get to know her she’ll let you into her mischievous side. Mikalah is usually very thin and has many talents. She usually has good boobs but a small ass. She may not seem very romantic but don’t underestimate her. Mikalah is very emotional, yet not sensitive to what other people say about her. Mikalah couldn’t give a fuck. She is very nice, but don’t get on her bad side. Mikalah has probably kissed manh of people. She is very comforting and is a great friend! Mikalah is very dirty minded but most people find her funny. Mikalah is overall a great person!

Hey, look, it’s Mikalah she’s such a great person.

by ghaka72815 December 2, 2020

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