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catholic high school

a magical place where you find your long life friends. you wear uniforms that are unique to your school and you don’t have the stress of finding an outfit like public schools do. there are amazingly hot guys walking around your school. you walk around knowing everyone and there’s no judgment in wearing a uniform or how you look because no one cares. you find your long life soul mate here and you most likely will get married to them. public school kids always wonder how we pass classes and it’s because the kid in front of us or next to us is really smart. we are all in this together and no one snitches because snitches get stitches. the sports at these schools is A1 which is the reason some people go here. we all know our alma mater and sing in with glee. we all know our quote that guides us “faithfulness merits the crown.” and les not forget our dear Father Paul that is amazing.

catholic high school- a place where no one judges you because no one cares and is just looking for a college to go to.

by gioiaflip November 8, 2018

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