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An all around perfect individual that is charming and funny and sweet. He has a heart the size of the ocean and will do anything to see someone smile. He has the most perfect eyes that will fill your tummy with butterflies when he looks at you and a smile that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He is the best friend anyone could ask for. You can't help but feel happy whenever you're with him. He has the ability to give you feelings that words can't describe and can also make time fly by super fast when you don't want it to. He can teach you long-board tricks and how to skim board, because he's so awesome at everything. His girlfriend is a lucky lady. If you know a Collyn, never ever ever ever ever ever let him go.

girl1-wow who is that?

girl2-that's Collyn isn't he amazing

by girlinlove92 January 4, 2014

58👍 16👎