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David Cook

1.) A wanna-be Adam Lambert. He was the "it" thing after American Idol 7, but as soon as Adam hit the scene in Season 8, everyone could care less about him.
2.) A douche who yells a his fans for hanging signs on tour bus. GET OVER IT! Thats what fans do!

Girl- David Cook is sooo dreamy!!
Other girl- You mean the other David from AI7 that wishes his career took off like Adam Lambert's that hates his fans? Whats DREAMY about that?!

by glambert4life June 25, 2010

8👍 59👎

Gramma Wizard

An ugly old (or young but old LOOKING) woman who resembles or has features or characteristics of a wizard.

Girl- Thats her MOM? She looks so old!
Friend- Yeah, shes a Gramma Wizard.

by glambert4life June 22, 2010

6👍 2👎