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Somebody with an overly big head for there body, and they need a wheel barrow to get their head around.

Guy 1 - Dude look at lee over there, his head is huge

Guy 2 - Yeah man hes such a barrow

Guy 1 - Hey barrow

Lee - What?

Guy 2 - Yeah man u shld get a wheel barrow for that head its massive

Lee - Fk you

by glen2602 February 7, 2010

10👍 28👎

2 hole

Slang term for a woman, the difference is we both have mouths and arses but men have one piss hole and women have a piss hole and fuck hole, 2 holes.

Bloody Gary keeps adding this 2 hole. Time to fuck him off

My old 2 hole is trying to take my kids off me, what should I do lads?

How good is this 2 hole!

Any of you dad fuckers got a mad 2 hole to sink tinnies with?

by glen2602 January 9, 2017

62👍 7👎