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(noun): the wrapping around of a mathematical function under transformation into a higher nth-dimensional space where n > 2 and n ∈ ℤ+. This twisting occurs typically when a 2D function is integrated by rotating about the x-axis in order to find the volume of the 3rd-dimensional shape.

Ortholysis is used to describe this behaviour in various different sub-branches of integral calculus. The origin of this word is still unknown. However, this neologism was rumoured to have been coined by a Romanian scientist and mathematician. i

Student: "Would the integral of y=−ze^x about the x-axis give you some sort of pulsar-like ortholysis spirally thing?"
Teacher: "Sort of. It depends on your limits and of course the fact that your equation doesn't consider that a pulsar visualisation with that equation would be rotating about the y-axis!"
Teacher: "And also the fact that the center of mass is not represented accurately in any way and you'd need to make it asymptotic."

by globaldefinitions March 5, 2017


The act or habit of estimating something as being worthless

Jacob: "I promise I won't get all political"
*Two drinks later*
Jacob: "Let me to indulge in the floccinaucinihilipilification of the judges of the European Union!..."

by globaldefinitions March 5, 2017