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ash browns

n. Severely overcooked mashed potatoes, or, by extention, any burnt breakfast food, or disastrous mess.


Careful how you handle this viral pandemic. We do not need any more ash browns.

by gnostic3 February 13, 2020


n. Traveller who loves sonic reverberations and seeks out canyons, cliffs and similar locales in exotic locations. It can also be applied to a self-centred person who loves the sound of her own voice.


Hello! Can you hear me!!!? I'm an echo-tourist!

Again. It's a cave. They have mouths, but they cannot speak.

by gnostic3 August 18, 2016


n. Any false explanation for a late report, missing cash, pregnancy etc. Usually said with an ironic sympathetic nod.


So then there was this big crash, see,and like the heavens totally opened up and some big voice was all, "Judy! You is the chosen one! You be having my holy chile." So I said, " But I don't wants to be pregnant. I got school to finish! " ( sobs uncontrollably)

That's terribull. Let me get you a kleenex.

by gnostic3 August 4, 2016


v. Insulting the courage, dedication or memory of valiant marines and other soldiers.


A man capable of submarineing is capable of any atrocity and is not fit to command.

by gnostic3 September 6, 2020


place. Inconspicuous Canadian hamlet existing solely to maintain the country’s seventh longest trestle bridge. The bridge, made of the finest maple wood needs to be scraped weekly to prevent the accumulation of syrup which would attract rats and invite a catastrophic rail derailment. Lethbridge also is home to a junior hockey team which has seen the end of its glory days and a gravel-sorting industry which is second to none. With the construction of a bridge-scraping interpretive centre in the heart of the hamlet, and a rat-killers hall of fame in the spleen of the hamlet, Lethbridge is poised to finally spring into the nineteenth century.


What is that awful mapleish smell?

Lethbridge. The fearsome wind must be in the north-west.

by gnostic3 March 3, 2019

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slouch potato

n. Slovenly person with no ambition and bad posture.


Get some shape on your benighted life you didgeridoo-bashing slouch potato. You don’t want to end up washing koala scrotums down the docks in Perth.

by gnostic3 December 22, 2021


adj. Cool kids expression synonymous with the decidedly dated expression “on fleek” which is now being used only by wrinklies and cartoon captionists.


TheNurse is looking totally eyesome these days.

Yes. More delicious than a leek.

by gnostic3 March 28, 2019