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n. An escalating cascade of destruction initiated by a poorly thought-out action.


If you touch the vena cava with that scalpel we will be here all night dealing with the erupting harmageddon.

by gnostic3 December 28, 2015


adj. Expression of sarcastic pseudo-praise. Better than “Awesome, yawn.” Much better.


Canada won another gold medal in some lame ice-related sport.

That is goosetastic. Canada goosetastic.

by gnostic3 December 29, 2022


n. Directions included with items such as plastic models and furniture that require some assembly.


Are you sure that you followed the constructions Aliyah? Daddy’s chair looks very wobbly.

by gnostic3 December 22, 2017

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n. Instructions, often included with a model or pice of furniture, detailing how to properly assemble something.


That bookshelf does not look stable Aliyah. Did you follow the constructions?

by gnostic3 December 20, 2017

double toque day

n. Freezing cold winter day.


She looks like a double toque day there all right. I can’t feel my knees.

by gnostic3 December 27, 2022

Anger management

v. Organising one's life so as to be first to listen to the new Rolling Stones song or, by extension, any faddish piece of pop culture.


Dude! I can't get married this weekend;: I'll be too totally involved in Anger management.

Court order or peer pressure?

by gnostic3 September 14, 2023


n. Person interested in establishing the truth. These throwbacks often rely on facts rather than popular opinion or dictates.


Did you hear the news? Rugby and ice dancing are now America's favourite sports. So suck on that NFL boy.

I think not. I do not wish to sound like a veraciter but that is Canadian propaganda. The Canucks are trying to destabilize our sports channels.

You stick with your truths and I 'll stick with mine. Time to watch some quad toe-loops.

by gnostic3 June 26, 2017