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Boarding School

A school that you go live at, gives a good impression on paper but you really come out of it a little gayer because it is a 4 year slumber party with your best friends. Also, you learn really how to beat the system and evade getting in trouble rather than learning any actual school and come to realize that dip is the only way to relieve your stress and can be complimented by a late night shower at 2 am.

(I went to boarding school and this was daily routine)

"On my first day of boarding school, I was nervous of going into the shower withe everyone else, now we fit 3 guys into 1 shower"

"Dude can you throw down some money for a log? i payed for the past 5 tins"

"I'm not really gay I'm just gay"

by gobucs September 29, 2009

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