Source Code


NASA found this definition in what seemed to be an Alien type of dictionary, after a ufo crash that was covered up. it was recently decoded.

Human-pathetic, and smelly monkeys who have primitive technology(the internet is their greatest..Ha!ha!ha!Ha!ha!)and language/writing.
the weakest primeapes on planet Earth!

the only species who kill each other becuase of looks and different skin color!

A species in the universe who "claim" to be intelligent.
the laughing joke of the universe.

(SETI discovered this conversation of Two unknown Extraterrestrial species shortly after the 9-11 events!
it has recently been decoded.)
E.T#1-hey look those humans are fighting again.

E.T#2-dont they ever quit? Have they gone nuclear yet?

E.T#1-no, not yet! they just flew one of those, slow, ugly, pathetic, mettalic suedobird thingies into two of their large mettalic buildings, killing many of their own species again!

E.T#2- metal suedobird?. Oh- you must mean what they call an airplane.

E.T#1 yeah, i think thats what its called.

E.T#2- WHAT. those humans are so barbaric. i wonder what they are fighting over now. ill bet its skin color again!..ha, what a bunch of idots.

E.T#1-yeah, you can never figure a human out. oh and get this it happened on the peice of land called america.

E.T#2-no shit. WOW! if i recall right, america is the land full of humans with different skin colours right,

E.t#1- yep. they're the worst ones when it comes to fighting each other.

E.T#2- Oh i just remembered, America is the land with the best.. uh whats it called now,..Army!
I bet they go nuclear.

E.T#1 oh i hope so, that,ll be some show to watch!

by goganhusssan October 23, 2006

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