Term used to describe the extreme,foaming at the mouth Trump supporter.
Ray is such a Trumplecultist that when Bden won he almost had an aneurysm.
Term describing the extreme, foaming at the mouth Trump supporter.
Ray is such a Trumplecultist ,that when Biden won he almost had an anyersm.
A dipshit & idiot all rolled in to one.
Boy that was a dipshitiot move.
The dubious combination of someone who snitches( tattle) and the subsequent character of a snitch( snake)
Did u see Joy talking to the cops? She's a Goddamn tattlesnake .
The dubious combination of a snitch(tattle) and the subsequent character of one who snitches , ( snake)
I saw Joy talking to the cops, she's a goddamn tattlesnake.
The feeling you have heard this bullshit before.
So Jake was telling a story when I had a deja poo&walked away immediately.