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(1) A man (often referred to as the goat) whose last name is usually Silvertooth. He is caring, kind, funny, smart, and loves Sonic. He is very attractive and bags many significant others (preferably masculine men).

(2) Another word for a man on man bj.

James: Bro, last night Christopher cranked a Carter!

John: Do you mean a Silvertooth or a bj? Because, personally, I don't think Christopher is very caring, kind, funny or smart, and I know for a fact he doesn't love Sonic.

by goldtongue November 20, 2022


The best person you will ever meet in your entire life. He is very charming, hilarious, selfless, and a great person.

If you ever meet an Ajax, hold onto them.

Jeremiah: I met an Ajax yesterday, and let me tell you, he is the best person ever!

Roy: That's great.

by goldtongue November 20, 2022