maero is this guy on discord
his real name is unknown
Hey, have you heard of maerco?
Heh maerco is gonna start another purge
Its like a tetracube or a terracube, but hyper
M: Hey man let me teach you about HyperTetraCube
C: What the fuck is a HyperTetraCube
Jombler is a insult
Your such a fucking jombler man!
You have the IQ of a jombler
when some person is so bored they type in their keyboard backwards with the numbers included
Student 1: man im bored
student 1: i am going to type my keyboard in backwards with the numbers
Student 1: mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq0987654321
Student 2: hey are you paying attention to the teahcer?