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Great Firewall of China, officially known as the Golden Shield. A series of content filters that censor the internet content available in China. Censored content includes democratic principles, dissent of China, and pornography.

I can't believe that Cracked.com got through the GFoC

by gormster August 14, 2008

8👍 2👎


Gray Screen of Death. Mac OS X equivalent of the BSOD. A graying over of one's screen accompanied by a message indicating that the computer must be restarted, indicating a kernel panic. Somewhat prettier than the BSOD but every bit as annoying.

Every time I connect my iPhone, my Mac GSODs.

by gormster March 11, 2010

4👍 8👎


In high technology; the settings you use when you're too lazy to do something properly.

"I couldn't be bothered figuring out the compression ratio, so I just used the preset."

by gormster October 16, 2007

9👍 8👎