According to a user from India, the name Pratyasha is of Odia origin and means "I think it means great expectations ,love ,true wish,Everybody's hope.The name Pratyasha means "Anticipation".Pratyasha names girls are very rare,they understands you but sometimes they run out of their own problems.They are too clumsy.She is a open book.She is loyal to the people and causes she loves.She takes care of others when they need her.She sees the world through a kind perspective and cannot tolerate cruelty or meanness.She is selfobessed and her anger is out of zone.
"Pratyasha's love is the love which everyone hope for"
According to a user from India, the name Pratyasha is of Odia origin and means "I think it means great expectations ,love ,true wish,Everybody's hope.The name Pratyasha means "Anticipation".
"Pratyasha's love is the love which everyone hope for".