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8-ball hemorrhages

The appearance of the eye(s) following a beating that resembles the black (8-ball) in pool.

John had been beaten and had 8-ball hemorrhages from the head wound.

by green923jade April 27, 2017

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To know absolutely nothing.

That idiot from down 10th Street, he don't know squash!

by green923jade October 18, 2017

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Boe Boe's

A term used to tell a child it is time for bed.

Cameron it is past your bedtime, it's time for boe boe's.

by green923jade November 15, 2016

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Batty Milk

Milk that comes out of persons anus.

John went to the the toilet to do a poo but out came batty milk.

by green923jade September 16, 2016


The acronym B.P.M stands for Breams Per Minute.

James arrived at the wreck and before long he and the rest of the group were fishing at 1.5 B.P.M.

by green923jade May 28, 2017

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COVID Collaborator

An individual who chooses not to comply with lawful restrictions and guidance in relation to the COVID-19 virus pandemic and collaborates with the virus to the detriment of law abiding citizens.

That man over there is not wearing a mask, he is a COVID Collaborator.

by green923jade December 21, 2020

doowen illegals

To participate in the consumption of illegal drugs. In Wales, the phonetic translation with an accent would be doowen illegals (doing illegals) which means doing illegal drugs.

Owen: Where is Myfanwy?
David: She is down the park doowen illegals.

by green923jade June 24, 2019