Snuggling or cuddling up to your man's cock and sucking. Giving a long, drawn out blow job, often while on a drive or while watching a movie. Always done with extreme enjoyment and never in. hurry.
Last night, my boyfriend and I went to the movies. Much to my disappointment there were too many people for me to get in a good cock cuddling session during the show. Thankfully I was able to snuggle up to his cock on the long drive home.
So giddy with ecitement over getting your CoVax (CoVid vaccination) that you immediately make plans you would never have made pre-vaccination. i.e. eating in restaurants, going to a bar, staying in hotels, going to Las Vegas, flying on a plane, making out with a stranger.
OMG! Kelly's parents are so CoVaxited they splurged on a cruise to Japan! How crazy is that!?!!