Nichola is somewhere between a good girl and a bad girl and what she lacks in height she makes up in volume-when she's with people she's comfortable with. She likes making up weird sounds and different languages. She loves to make her friends laugh and is understanding and easy to talk to. She can spend class time searching up baby yoda memes and still get almost perfect grades. She's obsessed with zooming in on screens and playing 2048. She plays some less common sports and rocks at them. She's an amazing artist and a loving friend. Don't lose your nicholaaaaaa
Sherra: I dont get how that girl is so great at art my mind is blown
Bri: Shes a Nichola, what did you expect?
its just you.
you are enough.
#self #yourock #dontworry
person:WHO IS IT
other person: it's just MEEP
Annoyed at someone or something; sometimes upset in a funny way.
Girl one: "Is Laura fragged at me? She's been ignoring me all dayyyyyy..."
Girl two: "Idkkk it's Laura"
ya know Bobby and Marley?
they're amazing
ya they are