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other wise known as "the ville" where guidos,hicks,jew,italians,asians,and indians mix to make an amazing town.... people always say "mad" instead of "very".theres a bitch fight every year.sluts start fucking in middle school so they think their cool.the freshman are mad beat hoes who go around like its their day job.everyone talks shit about each other.a bitch fight happens every year.the Asians cheat off each other because there parents will beat them if they get a 95.and the weed,so much of it is here and 90% of the school has tried it.theres even coke and ecstasy here if you look hard enough.everyone wants to go to an open house but people are to pussy to have one.everyone talks about how they hate this town and cant wait until college.

adult 1-"lets move to montville,i heard there schools are great"

adult 2-"hell no,there is no way im raising our new kid there,the people suck and are about drama and the schools going to shit anyway"

by guidohick69420 April 4, 2011

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