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ye olde shit tins

The same as the original shit tins, meaning a vast quantity of a given item with the preffix 'ye olde' indicating someting from days gone by.

Lets be honest, it just sounds better!

phwor, you're gonna need ye olde shit tins of gaffa tape to fix that!

by guru December 5, 2004

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


An object loved not only by Chris Baker and Tom Fall but also just about everyone with a brain.
Used for telling the time of course.

Chris loves the clock!

by guru March 11, 2004

5πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Slang for female customer service person who is usually more concerned with their fingernail polish then your customer satisfaction. Usually unsatisfied with their "career" so it comes out in their lack of care/energy for the work their supposed to be doing.

Pffft , that computer operator just told me "she too busy right now to assist me with the issue" , what a bluenail.

I am not calling support , everytime I call I get a bluenail. I'd rather disconnect my service. Then deal with her...

by guru February 8, 2005

7πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

go away or I will replace you with a simple shell script

A semi clever quip made by computer geeks and gurus.. Quite similar to the military quip " You are so fucking useless, I should replace you with a button"

by guru June 15, 2003

70πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


To politically screw someone/a party up twice. A sure screwing, fucking up a party's political aspirations. George Bus and Ken star are two big foshizzlers. Democrat party was foshizzled(twice for sho)

Bushboy and Dizzle's party was foshizzled again. The state of Florida foshizzled the democrats again. Blaze and Bubus are big time foshizzlers

by guru February 11, 2005

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

southern shandy drinking ponce

Ponce from the south of England who don't half talk funny and drinks lady-drinks!


by guru July 17, 2003

24πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


1) The state of a marijuana receptacle whose contents have been thoroughly exhausted, leaving behind an ash residue. The "cash point," or point at which the receptacle is to be retired or repacked, is often heatedly debated among marijuana smokers; some choose to incinerate the entire contents of the bowl until all said marijuana has been dissipated, while others choose to repack as soon as it begins to adopt a black hue.

2) Certain circles (particularly youth) have adopted the "cashed" adjective as the universal term for a status of depletion.

1) "This bowl is cashed. Shall I repack?"

2) "This bag of Funyons is cashed-ass. Take the empty bag to the trash and grab me some Oreo's from the kitchen. Bitch."

by guru December 30, 2005

1206πŸ‘ 151πŸ‘Ž