1. (Verb/Noun/Adj) When white people (most frequently North-American) make strange motions in an objectively ridiculous and/or embarrassing fashion in a public space or dance-floor, often at night-clubs; or attempting to perform what looks like a sort of "dance" while disregarding the proper forms of the dance. This is an especially common sight in clubs typically attended by crowds of diverse racial or cultural backgrounds (e.g. Latin or Hip-hop dance clubs).
Use (Verb): ("To White-out"; Future-Tense: "Will White-out"; Present-tense: "Whiting-out"; Past-tense: "Whighted-out")
Use (Noun/Adj): "a White-out"
1.(Verb) Hey look they are getting ready to white-out; Hey look they are whiting-out.
2.(Noun) It's a white-out.