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The surname of a family of (mainly) politicians in Brazil. People usually use this lone term to refer to deputy "Jair Messias Bolsonaro", a pre-candidate (at the moment) to Brazil's 2018 elections. The deputy became a beloved symbol of the brazilian right-wing movement, fighting against the so called "Gay kits", booklets inciting homossexuality made by Brazil's ruling left-wing government for 6 - 7 year-olds. Constantly a victim of slander, Bolsonaro is usually called a fascist, Neo-nazi, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynistic etc. by the people brainwashed by the media. Conservatives usually call him an "oppressor", to taunt the leftists. Also radically against the Human Rights in Brazil, that only assist criminals.

May also be used to refer to one of his sons (with the same surname), like Eduardo Bolsonaro, another belover right-wing figure.

"É só você não roubar, não estuprar, não praticar latrocínio que você não vai 'pra' lá, porra! Acabou! Acabou!"
(Just don't steal, don't rape, don't rob and you won't be sent there (jail), goddammit! Period! Period!)

– Jair Messias Bolsonaro (to reporters defending the human rights)

Created lots of slogans like: "Direitos humanos para humanos direitos" (a play on words, meaning "Human rights for right/honest humans" and "Brasil acima de tudo, Deus acima de todos" (Brazil above everything, God above all)

–Bolsonaro is a racist homophobe!

–You're an idiot.

by habensiegehört February 16, 2018

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